Replacement Windows | Seal failure on a replacement window

One sign that your windows are damaged, defective, incorrectly installed, or in need of a replacement is when you notice seal failure.  What is a window seal?  A window seal is an insulated area between the panes of glass on a double or triple pane window.  The glass is separated by a spacer, usually made […]

Replacement Windows | Help! Why is there condensation on my windows?

One of the most common questions we get before replacing windows is that the homeowner is noticing condensation on their windows.  This leads us to answer the real questions “what is condensation?” and “what causes condensation?”. What is condensation & what causes it? Condensation is a natural occurrence caused by excess humidity or water vapor […]

Heating Prices are About to Go Up! Save with Energy Efficient Replacement Windows

Experts predict that heating bills will go as much as 54% for Winter 2021 which is a terrifying thought for many Wisconsin homeowners.  Here are some facts about how Americans heat their homes: Nearly half of US homes are heated with natural gas Around 41% are heated with electricity 4% use heating oil 5% use […]

Wisconsin homeowners should avoid “cheap” vinyl replacement windows

We all see those “too good to be true” deals on the TV, in magazines, in the Sunday paper, on the internet, and on billboards.  Most of the time we just give these deals a glance and then move on.  But if you are in desperate need of new windows for your entire home ASAP […]

Why you should search for composite replacement window companies near me

Wood has been a selection for windows for decades.  There is a large difference between wood windows from 30 years ago and wood windows today.  Wood windows today use a very softwood that is genetically altered to grow quickly.  This wood is softer due to its rapid growth, this makes it more receptive to mold […]

What to look for when searching replacement window companies near me

Searching ‘replacement window companies near me” can be a stressful, long, and confusing task.  There are probably many replacement window companies near you and every single one of them is running some kind of deal or they say they install the “best windows in Wisconsin”.  The first and most basic thing that you need to […]

Condensation on Replacement Windows In Wisconsin

During the winter months, condensation on replacement window interiors can be an annoying issue for many homeowners in Wisconsin. Not only will it fog up your windows, but it can lead to much bigger problems like mold, mildew, and rotting window frames. Getting rid of problems before they do serious damage can save you a […]

Conduction and your replacement windows in Wisconsin

As we get closer to the cold Wisconsin winters when it gets below zero, you just can’t seem to get warm in your home no matter how high you set your heat, especially near your home’s windows. You may even feel a draft when you walk by the windows. Conversely, in the summer, the air […]

Double Hung vs. Casement Replacement Windows

Installing replacement windows in Wisconsin means homeowners usually ask if they should invest in casement replacement windows or double-hung replacement windows to keep their home cool in the summer and warm during the cold winters.  There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of windows.  Here is what you need to know: Double-hung replacement windows […]

Why Your Home Needs Energy-Efficient Replacement Windows

We have all heard the term energy-efficient many times. We invest in energy-efficient washers and dryers, ovens, water heaters, etc. but did you know that your home will be 40% more energy-efficient with triple-pane, solid core, composite frame windows? That can add up to a lot of savings on your heating and cooling costs, and […]