Replacement Windows | How to find leaks in your home’s windows

As Wisconsin homeowners, the last thing that you want is for your windows to cost you money after you have them installed!  Leaky windows can cause increased energy costs, moisture damage, and potentially unwanted pests getting into your home.  So even if you think that your windows are good, it is still good to check your windows for leaks.

Tips to fix leaky windows

First, you need to identify which windows are leaking and where.  Inspecting the window for moisture or drafts is a way to find leaks.  Once you find the leaks, here are tips to fix them:

  • Weatherstripping – This is a foam or rubber strip that is installed around the edges of the window to create a seal. It is the most affordable option but can be more challenging to install and isn’t effective in all weather conditions.
  • Caulk – This is a sealant commonly used to seal holes, gaps, and cracks around the window frame.  Caulk is a more durable option but it can be messy and if it is white, might look gray and dirty over time.
  • Window film – This is a plastic film that creates a seal when installed on the inside of the window. Window film is easy to install but can be expensive and unpleasant to look at.

“Fixing” leaky windows is only a temporary fix.  Here are some previous articles written by our window experts to help you find the right windows for your home:

Another great resource for energy-efficient products and money-saving tips is the Energy Star website.