Wisconsin Weather Demands Replacement Windows & Doors

Like much of the region, Wisconsin’s experienced a very unusual March as temperatures climbed to rarely seen levels for this time of year. In fact, the average temperature was 15 degrees higher than normal, thanks in part to days in the 70s and 80s in the second half of the month. Even if you weren’t keeping track of the actual figures, the impact was seen in how you dressed, time spent outside and the higher energy costs associated with turning on air conditioning and cooling contents of refrigerators and freezers affected by the increase in heat, especially in homes without climate control.


While March was a rare experience, April is historically still a cool month. Last April we spent only one day in the 70s while we spent three days with temperatures in the 20s and four days in the 30s.


The need for climate control year round is apparent, especially in a month where the temperature range covers 50 degrees or more. One key aspect of climate control is the efficiency of windows and doors. If your home is more than 10 years old, your windows and doors may no longer provide the efficiency they once did. Loss of heat or cool air, or both in a given month, can quickly add to your energy costs leaving you paying far more than necessary to maintain a comfortable environment in your home.


There’s no need to be an expert in replacement windows and doors when you get started with the process. While we admire the DIY person who takes on the task of planning and executing home projects, there’s no match for the peace of mind and confidence in choosing a contractor with an installation team that’s fully trained, certified and experienced. With AHT Wisconsin Windows, you know exactly who’s doing the job too since we handle all the work instead of hiring subcontractors.


Contact us today at 877-578-0495 to schedule a free consultation and estimate, and be sure to ask about financing options. We invite you to get better acquainted with us online through our website and social media. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AHTReplacementWindows and follow us on Twitter @AHTwindows.