Historic Homes in Brown County
Most weeks you may struggle to keep your Green Bay home clean. With busy schedules and active kids, your home may never look pristine. But that’s okay. This summer is a terrific season to spend some time in a home that does look immaculate.
The Hazelwood Historic House Museum Tours give you an opportunity to get an up close and personal look at some of Green Bay’s history. These summer tours run weekly, on Thursday through Sundays, from now through August. It’s affordable for individuals and families, with a family rate of $10.
As a home improvement leader serving Green Bay, we salute the efforts of businesses, organizations and individuals who aim to preserve and restore historic buildings in Brown County. Windows and doors, our specialty, are often centerpieces in these projects. One example is The ARTgarage at 1409 Main Street, originally used as a canning company. The prominent front window is a key part of the building’s appeal.
The Kavarna Coffeehouse on North Broadway is another example of a historic location with an interesting storefront. Not only does it feature a large window, blue and yellow ceramic tile cover the rest of the façade. It’s a striking look at a place that once housed the Jones Motor Company.

Photo courtesy of Kavarna Coffeehouse and Brown County Historical Society
Restoring historic buildings or adapting them for reuse is an important undertaking. It’s also time consuming. Restoration projects rarely finish quickly, often slowed by funding needs and availability of specific types of products and materials to finish the work. For information about replacing historic windows click here.
Luckily, working on a home improvement project for a non-historic home moves much more quickly. For the average homeowner, replacing windows and doors can be a fairly quick process when handled by an installation expert, such as AHT Wisconsin Windows. There’s no waiting weeks; after an initial estimate, the job can be completed in a matter of days.
Call AHT Wisconsin Windows at 877-578-0495 for your free estimate. Click HERE to read about our 50 year warranty. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @AHTwindows and like us on Facebook too.