Condensation on Replacement Windows In Wisconsin

During the winter months, condensation on replacement window interiors can be an annoying issue for many homeowners in Wisconsin. Not only will it fog up your windows, but it can lead to much bigger problems like mold, mildew, and rotting window frames. Getting rid of problems before they do serious damage can save you a lot of headaches down the road. replacement window condensation

Before we look at how to fix the issue, it helps to understand what causes window condensation in the first place. Window condensation happens when the warm air in your home comes in contact with a cold surface of the window. The window cools down the warm air, and because cold air can’t hold as much moisture as warm air can, water vapor in the air gets pushed out, and condensation forms on the window, similar to when moisture condenses on the outside of a glass of ice water in the summer.

So what can you do to prevent condensation build-up on your windows? I’ve got a few tips:

1) Wipe down your windows. Although it won’t stop moisture from getting on your windows, wiping down wet windows will keep water from sitting, which will eventually lead to rot and mold.

2) Use a dehumidifier. So many things in your home can produce moisture to condensate on your windows. Taking a shower, interior plants, drying a load of laundry, cooking dinner, and even breathing are all major sources of moisture in your home. Running a dehumidifier can greatly reduce the excess humidity in a room, and will help keep water off your windows.

3) Circulate or ventilate better. In addition to a dehumidifier, increasing the ventilation in your home can help keep your replacement windows from getting fogged. Make sure to run fans regularly, and especially while cooking and showering. Keeping bathroom doors closed while bathing will help keep moisture from spreading to the rest of the house, and the bathroom window can be opened if needed. Also, a proper ventilation fan in the bathroom will help reduce the amount of moisture build-up in the air.  Moving the air with ceiling fans can reduce moisture because it is more difficult to cool moving air.

4) Consider replacement windows. If your home has single-pane windows, fighting condensation will be a never-ending battle. The piece of glass being chilled by ice-cold Wisconsin weather is the same piece of glass meeting the warm interior of your home. Because of this, moisture will build-up despite all of your efforts. Double-paned glass is, of course, better than single-paned, but depending on how cold it is outside, you will still have condensation issues. And, of course, if you add the third layer of glass, it takes significantly longer for the condensation to occur. In addition, you can also add a gas that is denser than air to slow down conduction even more. is will also help reduce condensation from forming on your replacement windows. We’ll talk more about these types of gases in the next chapter.

Something you might want to consider each autumn as you’re putting the storm windows up (and again each spring as you’re taking them down), is that the double- and triple-glazed windows on the market today are significantly more energy-efficient alone than older single-glazed windows with storm windows attached. With technology today there is no need for storm windows at all.

Owning a home in Wisconsin means that there are very few months when you are able to comfortably go without heating or cooling your home. Contact AHT Wisconsin Windows today if you’re ready to replace the windows in your home so that you can start saving on energy costs. We are proud to help homeowners in the following cities and their surrounding areas: Madison, Green Bay, Appleton, Neenah, De Pere, Ashwaubenon, and Sun Prairie, WI. If you are ready to get a free in-home estimate, call 888-874-9339.